The last time I posted about my kitchen I debated on which over-the-range microwave to purchase. The decision was made and I chose the Frigidaire. I bought the microwave over a month ago and the giant box has been sitting in our living room until tonight. First it was the dishwasher, then the microwave, I can only guess that next will be the box of tiles I just ordered. In order to put the microwave up we had to remove the existing fan above the oven and cut down the top cabinet. Because the microwave should be mounted 18 – 24″ above the oven range and I dislike the look of a microwave being a lot higher than the cabinets I decided to keep it at the same height as the old fan. That also meant we would have to either replace the above cabinet or adjust it to fit. If you have read any of my previous posts you’d understand that we can not repurchase my cabinet doors, so we must work with the ones we’ve got. With that said, we cut the length to fit, the excess space between the bottom of the door and the top of the microwave perfectly stores my cookbooks. I’d say, we lucked out on that.
After some struggling, which includes blood, sweat and some swearing (on Jack’s part) we managed to install the microwave! This appliance is yet another piece to the kitchen puzzle. Up next, the tiles.
Thanks for reading.